Good examples of companies from different sectors we've worked with and optimized Value Your Time for, but not limited to.
We don't have unnecessary features or functions that slow down the time registration process. We're 100% digital and we even support dictation through your phones keyboard!
Do your clients want to know what you've been doing? Easily give them access to your time registration by exporting it and sending it to them.
Are you a multitasker? Using the project status feature you can easily see an overview of which projects are currently active, are upcoming and which are done.
Using the reports feature you can gain insights into which clients are most important for you revenue. You can also see which projects you've been working on the most.
By setting an hourly rate you can see how much revenue you've been making in a certain timeframe. This can be very helpful to predict how much cash flow you have free.
Are multiple people in your company working on a project? Easily add them to your Value Your Time company account and they can also start registering time! Included in the subscription.
Our time tracking application has a lot of capabilities, we've highlighted a few here. If you miss something or want to request a feature make sure to contact us.
Register the time you've worked on projects and easily get insight in your hours.
You don't get excited about fancy graphs and impressive numbers? We do, because we can make decisions based on them.
So you're not alone? Great! You can add other people to your company account so you can track time together.
We've automated your time tracking and the way that you can let your clients know what you've done.
You can track your time anywhere, any place and on any device as long as you an internet connection.
Our users save on average between 1 and 3 hours per week by using Value Your Time. The first 30 days are on us and you can cancel at any time.